[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Fair Haven Community Health Center was proud to host an important town hall conversation today on DACA (Delayed Action for Childhood Arrivals). New Haven’s congressional team: Senator Richard Blumenthal, Congresswoman Rosa Delauro, and Senator Chris Murphy were joined by Mayor Toni Harp to show support of DACA recipients and share their perspectives of what the Administration may do next with regards to immigration reform.
In front of a crowd that overflowed into additional spaces where the conversation was broadcast live, students shared their hopes, dreams and fears with the legislative delegation, whose goal was to take these stories back Washington, DC to enlighten their colleagues on the importance of DACA. The sometimes tearful speakers expressed both gratitude and dispair as they looked for answers on where the national immigration conversation might go next.
You can read more about the event here, thanks to the New Haven Register.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]