Our Vice President of Clinical Affairs, Dr. Benjamin Oldfield, wrote a piece for CT Mirror detailing why we must stand up against Big Pharma’s war on health centers. The federal drug-purchasing program called 340B is under legal attack and this is directly hurting our patients with high-cost medications.

Dr. Oldfield details the story of one of his patients who relied on the 340B program to get affordable medication for their condition. Year by year and now month by month, we and our patients face more restrictions resulting in surprising jumps in drug prices. While the nature of the restrictions is complex (certain drugmakers bafflingly now restrict the program to only one pharmacy, for example), the objective is simple: drugmakers want to set their own prices even for our most vulnerable patients.

Read Dr. Oldfield’s story here on CT Mirror’s website: https://ctmirror.org/2024/08/08/big-pharma-community-health-centers/