Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

Fair Haven is proud to participate in the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) supplemental food program, a state and federally subsidized nutrition-focused program. WIC provides nutrition counseling and helps low-income mothers and their children buy nutritious foods. The program also provides support to pregnant and postpartum women as well as children up to age five.
What does WIC provide?
- Nutrition education and individual time to speak with a Nutritionist
- Breastfeeding education and support with Certified Lactation Counselors on staff and a Peer Counselor to help support you throughout your breastfeeding journey
- Supplemental foods (through EBT card)
- Food assistance and health care referrals to promote overall health and minimize nutrition-related health problems
Who is eligible?
WIC is for all kinds of families – Fathers, grandparents, foster parents, or legal guardians are encouraged to apply for their children.
- Pregnant women
- Postpartum women (eligible for at least 6 months after birth/after pregnancy ends)
- Breastfeeding women (up to 1 year after birth depending on breastfeeding amount)
- Infants and children up to their 5th birthday
What are the eligibility requirements?
- Live in Connecticut
- Meet income guidelines
- Participation in Husky A/C/D/Medicaid, Food Stamps (SNAP), or Temporary Family Assistance (TFA/TANF) automatically qualifies you for income
- If no state assistance, you must meet WIC income guidelines set at or below 185% of poverty line (WIC staff can help determine this)
- Complete a nutrition assessment with Nutrition staff
How to Apply
For more information and to apply, please contact 203-773-5007 or email wic@fhchc.org.