If your need is non-life threatening, please dial the main clinic number (203) 777-7411. Our answering service provides 24-hour telephone service to our registered patients, and will answer your call. They will take your information and contact the provider on call. The provider on call will call you back to discuss your need.
Prefer to call? Reach us at (203)777-7411
You will be asked for:
If your condition is life-threatening, please call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.
There are two ways to make an appointment at Fair Haven:
If you are not sure if you qualify for health insurance, please make a financial screening appointment as well. To learn more about qualifying for health insurance, click here.
If you must cancel your appointment, please call us. We understand! By calling us to cancel, you let us know not to expect you. Your call also allows us to offer your appointment time to someone else in need. We appreciate your cooperation and so does the other patient!
To cancel any appointment, please call:
If you have missed an appointment, please call us immediately. We want to know you are safe. If a health care provider calls you to ask about a no-show or cancellation, please return the call.
Fair Haven Community Health Care is here to provide care you can trust. We focus on helping you and your family feel welcome, understood, and supported at every step. Here are three reasons why patients choose us:
Our team speaks many languages to make sure you feel comfortable and understood. We’re here to help everyone get the care they need.
At Fair Haven, we match you with a clinician who gets to know you and your health needs. You’re never just another patient — you’re part of our family.
From kids to grandparents, we offer services for everyone in your family. No matter your age or needs, we’re here to support you.
For Patients
Our Services
Contacts Us
Phone: 203-777-7411
Our dedicated answering service will ensure your call is promptly directed to the appropriate team member.